web design on computer

I am a Developer

And I build cool stuff. Contact me for projects.

I come from a relatively diverse professional and educational background, which I believe has strengthened my skills and positioning in the market as a developer and web designer. In college, I was a Writing minor and took various courses that strengthened my ability to write, which translated well into marketing and copywriting tasks during my career.

After earning my Bachelor's of Arts degree in Psychology at Rutgers University, I worked at a creative agency for about 3 years as a Digital Content & Media Specialist. In this role, I gained invaluable experience publishing content on websites and working within various Content Management Systems such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, MailChimp, and Campaign Monitor.

While working, I decided that I needed to go further and learn web development, challenging myself to gain new skills. This led to me completing a Responsive Web Design Certification on FreeCodeCamp.com and enrolling in a Full Stack Development Coding Bootcamp at Rutgers (currently completing).

Anthony Purificato sketched profile image

My Work



Mobile App

Xcode / Swift

Mobile App


